Communicating in the North American market

Reach out to lovers of France in North America.
Communauté sur téléphone | Best of France

40 million views in 2022

Leverage the success of our community to grow your visibility, with 800,000 engaged users and over 35 million North Americans reached by 2022.

Reach an ultra-qualified target

All Callao with Best of France Program connects you with a target audience of French know-how lovers. We use our expertise to bring you the best potential customers.

Get results that meet your Goals

Whether it is to increase your visibility, to develop the number of visitors on your site or to make sales, our team is able to meet your objectives.


Our community is 50 times more engaged than the average of other communities and influencers1.

1 The engagement rate of the Best of France Facebook page is 50x higher than the average engagement rate of pages on Facebook (source: Facebook).

100% of our community are lovers of France who are likely to be interested in your offer.


80% of consumers have already made a purchase following the recommendation of an influencer2.

2 Source: Rakuten Marketing.

They trust us

We were able to carry out joint visibility actions with TourMaG, France-Amérique Magazine, Discover France, Opera Palazzo as part of our offers and partnerships.

Kit de visibilité | Best of France

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